[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 88

24th October 2011

`By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail'.

Benjamin Franklin


Double the Planning Time.


Double the planning time to cut the execution time by half!

Looks very simple? But it is a very powerful time management idea. Every project involves a planning and a doing phase. The quality of execution depends on the quality planning.


Before going to sleep, spend at least thirty minutes of your time on how you are going to spend your next day. Similarly spend the first hour of the day in planning and meditating.


Take an important project which will make a substantial value addition to your life and do a detailed strategic planning. Use project management charts and tools. Plan for all the activities, resource mobilisation, time schedule etc. Anticipate problems and think `if this goes wrong then...' and prepare a contingency plan.


Put your plan on a piece of paper. Many people don't do this part well. Mental planning is not good enough for important projects. When you write down, many things will get cleared. It will be a good idea to discuss your plan with others who may have a different perspective.


Meticulous planning will avoid unnecessary tension during execution.

N C Sridharan



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