[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 81

13th October 2011

`Wealth consists not in having great possessions but in having few wants'.


Practice Austerity.


Austerity is an important quality to be developed. Money is a valuable resource which should not be squandered away. These days everything is becoming dearer. It is wiser save one rupee than to earn five rupees!  We live in a `world of temptations' where the media is so powerful that anyone can make out a case that any product is essential for us. Every day a new mobile phone with tempting features hits the market with jazzy media advertisement tempting you to buy.


A relative of mine who has been living in United States for the past six years on a fairly decent senior position tells me that he has been managing comfortably with one car, one cycle and one mobile phone! He says that he doesn't have more than six pairs of dress. What is even more interesting about his claim is the fact that in United States, the temptation to spend is very high!


Over this weekend, critically audit your basic need and check if you need all those gadgets which are in your pending buying list!


Spend less, earn more and live happily!

N C Sridharan



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