[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 83

15th October 2011

`A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees'.

William Blake


`People only see what they are prepared to see'.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Develop Observing Skills.

You should cultivate observation skill. There is a gap between whatever our mind and brain notices. We may be `looking' but not `observing'. Looking is a mechanical brain triggered process through our eyes. Observing is a deeper mind process which takes place only when your mind wandering is arrested and made to focus on the thing on which your eyes are fixed.


Like writing or reading skills, you have to develop observing skill also through efforts. Next time when you are in a meeting where someone is speaking, observe the following:

  • His facial expression and the non verbal cues.
  • The involvement and participation of others.
  • The choice of his words and how he is using the same.
  • The examples and metaphors he is using.
  • His tonality and voice inflection.


When you observe something, the quality of your understanding is greatly enhanced. When you have to decide something very important, if you fail to observe something very important, the quality of your decision making will suffer which will cause irreparable damage.


Introspect and check on this important quality over the next few days.

N C Sridharan



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