[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 94

1st November 2011

`An expert is someone who has succeeded in making decisions and judgements simpler through knowing what to pay attention to and what to ignore'.

Edward de Bono


Seek Experts' Opinion.

Do you seek second opinion? Many times we are influenced by one view, one opinion, one judgment, one decision etc, which are either our own or that of others whom we trust one hundred percent. Because of our faith on us or on the person whom we trust, we may not seek a second opinion.

Seeking second opinion is all the more important when the issue involved is very critical. You should have a data bank of people who can give their views and nurture their friendship so that they are available to you.

Over this weekend, take one very important project you are currently handling. List all the decisions you have taken and the assumptions on which you have based your decisions. Discuss that project with an expert who has not been involved in that project at all. Encourage him to be as critical as possible. After you have completely listened to him, revisit your assumptions and decisions and check if you need to change any of them.

Do this exercise sincerely and notice the power of seeking second opinion!

N C Sridharan



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