[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 87

21st October 2011

Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life.
Alan Lakein

Respect Others' Time.

Are you sensitive to others' priorities? If you want people to respect your priorities, you should respect their priorities. Time is a scarce resource which should not be wasted, whether it is your time or others' time.


Check if you do the following:

  • Do you waste others' time in involving them in unnecessary conversation, especially if you are in such a position that they cannot avoid?
  • Do you engage others on long telephone conversations, insensitive to time?
  • Do you make people wait without any reason?
  • Do you make unreasonable demands on their time regardless of their time?
  • Do you interrupt others too often affecting their flow of work?
  • Do you force your priorities on others using your power and authority?

Some people may not express their embarrassment if you are not sensitive to their priorities. They may not feel comfortable to say `no' to your demands on their time.

Over the next week, audit your own style with respect to the above factor. If you value others' time and priorities, they will also reciprocate the same sentiment!

N C Sridharan



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