[Time-Management] Buy a Book, Help a Child!


Buy a Book, Help a Child!

 `Vaname Ellai' is a registered trust with exemption under Sec 80G of the Income Tax Act. 

`Vaname Ellai' is into school and student related social work which includes running a Tamil Monthly magazine, free training programmes and mentoring to students, parents and teachers.

The entire proceeds of our books `IGNITE', `Arise, Awake, Take Charge' and `100 Exciting Ways to Live' is donated to Vaname Ellai to fund the various activities of the trust. 

Every book purchased will light the life of some child somewhere. 

For details contact:

Mobile: +91 9282159733; +91 9791678022

N C Sridharan


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[Time-Management] Mind, O, My Dear Mind!


1st December 2011

`The Map is Not the Territory'

Before I write anything, I want to say something very important. I am trying my best to present NLP in such a way that you understand the basic principles and apply the same in your daily life. If you want to do it sincerely, you have to do the various exercises with full involvement. If you don't follow this, you will not be able to integrate the various concepts. If you are not in a position to do the exercises, stop reading this page and resume at a convenient time.

In order to understand this NLP presupposition, do an exercise. Close your eyes for a few minutes and honestly believe what I am going to ask you to believe: `everyone around you is dangerous; the world is a dangerous place; people are just waiting to destroy you; people are not trustworthy; people are cunning'.

With this mindset, open your eyes and meet the people around you, talk to them, move with them, while at the same time noticing how your mind `perceives' them.

After sometime, return to your seat, and again close your eyes, but this time believe that: all the people around you are good; they are your very good friends; they really want to help you and are fully trustworthy; they are helpful'.

With this mindset, open your eyes and go and meet the same people and notice how your mind perceives them now .

If you had done this exercise sincerely, you will have experienced some weird feeling.

Why is it so? Wait for the meaning of the above NLP presupposition and I am going to narrate an incident….

N C Sridharan




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[Time-Management] Mind. O, My Dear Mind!


30th November 2011

NLP Presuppositions are assumptions on how the mind directs our thought process and how our thought process decides what we do and how do it. We are not slaves of our fate, but we are slaves of our mind! We need to become the master of our mind. For doing this, we should understand what NLP presuppositions are.

Let me explain this by an exercise. Stop reading this and look around and notice every object which is red in colour. Notice every object which is red. Then start noticing every object which is green in colour. Then start noticing every object which is blue in colour.

Have you done it? If you have, you would have noticed that when your mind was directed to notice only objects which are red in colour,  objects of any other colour would not have attracted you!  If you did not do this exercise, stop reading this and please do it so that you can experience what I have said here.

The reason is, once we have asked the mind to focus on one particular thing, the mind just obeys like a sincere servant.

In the next piece I am going to discuss the most important of all presuppositions `The map is not the territory'.

Getting restless to know what this maps and territory is about? Keep reading….

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Mind, O, My Dear Mind!


29th November 2011

The very concept of NLP is a result of Richard Bandler and John Grinder getting curious about what makes good communicators Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir etc .

Milton Erickson was an American psychiatrist who used hypnosis for personal therapy. He had an amazing ability to connect with the subconscious mind and was able to cure some very difficult psycho-somatic cases by his communication. In fact he can be called the first person to use some of the patterns which became known as NLP later on.

Virginia Satir was a psychotherapist who was known for her family counseling. The way she used some patterns of language to bring about a shift in the mindset of people made her very popular in the United States.

Before I start the first lessons on NLP, you should know the following:

  • NLP is the study of human excellence.
  • Excellence can be duplicated, by understanding the mental programme of the excellence people.
  • There is a strong mind-body link, by changing the mind, you can influence the body.
  • NLP is based on simple common sense. But, as we know, sometimes common sense is not so common!

The first lesson is NLP is going to be `NLP Presuppositions' – an amazing principle which will understand how the mind and brain work with each other!

Getting curious? Read further….

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Mind, O, My Dear Mind!


28th November 2011

As I mentioned, the unique thing about the human beings is the way thinking takes place in their mind and their ability to reflect their thinking through their communication in the form of words.

In the above example of the KG child, the child sees a gap between what she is asked to do and what others are doing. The mind is programmed naturally and is not yet `programmed' otherwise. This is where human mind is configured uniquely. Human beings arrive with a programme already loaded!

The teacher should understand why the child is asking this question and not `how the child can ask such a question' or `can the child ask such a question'. In this case the teacher asked herself a question I had mentioned in my newsletter dated 15th November:  `Why did the child do what she did and why did she do the way she did it?'

The teacher had the option of getting angry with the child. But having had some training in NLP, the teacher explained the fact that students prescribed a dress code, which included a shoe, and the teachers do not have the same, and hence she is not wearing a shoe! Once the child heard this, she was comfortable with the answer.

This is what NLP can do in the context of improving interpersonal relationship and rapport.

I am going to discuss with you why NLP is so powerful in bringing about a shift in our mindset in the next few newsletters.

Keep reading…

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Ordering for the book '100 Exciting Ways to Live!


Dear Readers,

This is for the information of those who have expressed a desire to have my recent book `100 Exciting Ways to Live'. Some of you want to know how to order for the book.

 All that you need to do is to e mail the address to which you want the books to be dispatched with correct pin code and phone number. We will dispatch the books either by courier or by VPP.

 We do not yet have the facility to receive payment through electronic banking. You can pay for the book either though VPP or by cheque drawn in favour of `Vaname Ellai', the charitable trust to which the proceeds of the book are donated.

 If you need any more clarifications, please contact us on our e-mail and phone given below:

timeline@vsnl.com; vanameellai@gmail.com; mindline@sify.com

Mobile: +91 9282159733; +91 9791678022

N C Sridharan

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[Time-Management] 100 Exciting Ways to Live!


100 Exciting Ways to Live!

Dear Readers,

I am overwhelmed by the response to my recent book `100 Exciting Ways to Live'and we have started dispatching the book from today.

The book offers easy to follow powerful tips, which, if implemented, will transform your life. The book is priced at Rs.75/- per copy (inclusive VPP charge to any place in India).

I am donating the entire proceeds of the book to my charitable trust `Vaname Ellai'.

The book is so handy that you can send this as New Year Card! It is also an ideal New Year Gift. Every copy of the book purchased will touch the life of some child somewhere!

For details please contact us on our e-mail and phone given below:
timeline@vsnl.com; vanameellai@gmail.com; mindline@sify.com

Mobile: +91 9282159733; +91 9791678022

N C Sridharan


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[Time-Management] Mind, O, my Dear Mind!


25th November 2011

Before we start understanding how the principles of NLP work in our day to day life, we have understand:

         what causes a behaviour

         the `methodology' which means steps for events

         the `technology' which means what causes the steps

         understanding what happens before a behaviour manifests external to a person

         human beings are `meaning making people'

         we are dealing with `thinking' beings' and not merely with `doing beings' .

As I mentioned elsewhere, we are working with two subsystems: the brain function and the mind function. If we delete the mind from us, it is like a computer without software and there will be no activity from the computer.

A behaviour does not just `happen', but it is `caused'. If a human behaviour is made to `happen' without an involvement from the person concerned, it is called a ritual. Human beings think and act and they are thinking beings. But a computer is merely a doing being. Whatever we do should be of meaning to us, else we will not do it with involvement. Anything done without our personal involvement will not have the quality attached to it.

Here's an incident: the class teacher of a KG class asks a child why he is not wearing the shoes and the child reacts, `Mam, you are also not wearing a shoe!' The teacher is angry and upset about this `indiscipline' by the child.

Why did the child behave this way? Keep thinking….

N C Sridharan



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