[Time-Management] Mind, O, My Dear Mind!


29th November 2011

The very concept of NLP is a result of Richard Bandler and John Grinder getting curious about what makes good communicators Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir etc .

Milton Erickson was an American psychiatrist who used hypnosis for personal therapy. He had an amazing ability to connect with the subconscious mind and was able to cure some very difficult psycho-somatic cases by his communication. In fact he can be called the first person to use some of the patterns which became known as NLP later on.

Virginia Satir was a psychotherapist who was known for her family counseling. The way she used some patterns of language to bring about a shift in the mindset of people made her very popular in the United States.

Before I start the first lessons on NLP, you should know the following:

  • NLP is the study of human excellence.
  • Excellence can be duplicated, by understanding the mental programme of the excellence people.
  • There is a strong mind-body link, by changing the mind, you can influence the body.
  • NLP is based on simple common sense. But, as we know, sometimes common sense is not so common!

The first lesson is NLP is going to be `NLP Presuppositions' – an amazing principle which will understand how the mind and brain work with each other!

Getting curious? Read further….

N C Sridharan



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