[Time-Management] Mind, O, My Dear Mind!


16th November 2011

This morning I was speaking to a teacher. She was very concerned that a student who is going to appear for the school final Government Board Examination in the next four months has not been attending to the classes and he does not take any test seriously. She was concerned that the student is scoring single digit mark and at this rate he is sure to fail in the final examination.

The parents are upset about the behaviour of this boy. The teacher is concerned about his poor performance; the parents are worried about his future. I called him and spoke to him to know about his future plans and his goal in life. He is very about his career goal: to become an aeronautics engineer!

If he is clear about his future, and he is surrounded by people who will help him to realise his dreams, why is he behaving that way?

Obviously his mind is guiding him to do what he is doing. He is not mentally challenged and he is very intelligent. He plays wonderful chess!

We have to know his mental program!

Read further!

N C Sridharan



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