[Time-Management] Ordering for the book '100 Exciting Ways to Live!


Dear Readers,

This is for the information of those who have expressed a desire to have my recent book `100 Exciting Ways to Live'. Some of you want to know how to order for the book.

 All that you need to do is to e mail the address to which you want the books to be dispatched with correct pin code and phone number. We will dispatch the books either by courier or by VPP.

 We do not yet have the facility to receive payment through electronic banking. You can pay for the book either though VPP or by cheque drawn in favour of `Vaname Ellai', the charitable trust to which the proceeds of the book are donated.

 If you need any more clarifications, please contact us on our e-mail and phone given below:

timeline@vsnl.com; vanameellai@gmail.com; mindline@sify.com

Mobile: +91 9282159733; +91 9791678022

N C Sridharan

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