[Time-Management] Mind, O, My Dear Mind!


1st December 2011

`The Map is Not the Territory'

Before I write anything, I want to say something very important. I am trying my best to present NLP in such a way that you understand the basic principles and apply the same in your daily life. If you want to do it sincerely, you have to do the various exercises with full involvement. If you don't follow this, you will not be able to integrate the various concepts. If you are not in a position to do the exercises, stop reading this page and resume at a convenient time.

In order to understand this NLP presupposition, do an exercise. Close your eyes for a few minutes and honestly believe what I am going to ask you to believe: `everyone around you is dangerous; the world is a dangerous place; people are just waiting to destroy you; people are not trustworthy; people are cunning'.

With this mindset, open your eyes and meet the people around you, talk to them, move with them, while at the same time noticing how your mind `perceives' them.

After sometime, return to your seat, and again close your eyes, but this time believe that: all the people around you are good; they are your very good friends; they really want to help you and are fully trustworthy; they are helpful'.

With this mindset, open your eyes and go and meet the same people and notice how your mind perceives them now .

If you had done this exercise sincerely, you will have experienced some weird feeling.

Why is it so? Wait for the meaning of the above NLP presupposition and I am going to narrate an incident….

N C Sridharan




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