[Time-Management] Mind, O, my Dear Mind!


25th November 2011

Before we start understanding how the principles of NLP work in our day to day life, we have understand:

         what causes a behaviour

         the `methodology' which means steps for events

         the `technology' which means what causes the steps

         understanding what happens before a behaviour manifests external to a person

         human beings are `meaning making people'

         we are dealing with `thinking' beings' and not merely with `doing beings' .

As I mentioned elsewhere, we are working with two subsystems: the brain function and the mind function. If we delete the mind from us, it is like a computer without software and there will be no activity from the computer.

A behaviour does not just `happen', but it is `caused'. If a human behaviour is made to `happen' without an involvement from the person concerned, it is called a ritual. Human beings think and act and they are thinking beings. But a computer is merely a doing being. Whatever we do should be of meaning to us, else we will not do it with involvement. Anything done without our personal involvement will not have the quality attached to it.

Here's an incident: the class teacher of a KG class asks a child why he is not wearing the shoes and the child reacts, `Mam, you are also not wearing a shoe!' The teacher is angry and upset about this `indiscipline' by the child.

Why did the child behave this way? Keep thinking….

N C Sridharan



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