[Time-Management] Mind. O, My Dear Mind!


30th November 2011

NLP Presuppositions are assumptions on how the mind directs our thought process and how our thought process decides what we do and how do it. We are not slaves of our fate, but we are slaves of our mind! We need to become the master of our mind. For doing this, we should understand what NLP presuppositions are.

Let me explain this by an exercise. Stop reading this and look around and notice every object which is red in colour. Notice every object which is red. Then start noticing every object which is green in colour. Then start noticing every object which is blue in colour.

Have you done it? If you have, you would have noticed that when your mind was directed to notice only objects which are red in colour,  objects of any other colour would not have attracted you!  If you did not do this exercise, stop reading this and please do it so that you can experience what I have said here.

The reason is, once we have asked the mind to focus on one particular thing, the mind just obeys like a sincere servant.

In the next piece I am going to discuss the most important of all presuppositions `The map is not the territory'.

Getting restless to know what this maps and territory is about? Keep reading….

N C Sridharan



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