[Time-Management] Here's some feedback!


Dear Readers,


Here's some feedback as received from the readers…





My name is Bhargav and am a student .

I think this series is very very useful for students ( particularly B.E) for their all around development and to succeed in life .

I myself learned a lot from this series .

I hope that your future series also will be like that .

Thank you -BHARGAV.CH


Thanks for the series of 100 days plan, which really made to understand how small small improvement / changes is very essential to practise and implement to reach the long term goals and vision.
Pls continue with the new series, we are eager to learn more basic and unknown facts...

Thanks & Regards -Kiran 


We're very happy to inform you that this "100 days improvement plan" is very

useful course for my self and my team members, Every day I've also share/forward the same message to my subordinates and other team friends, they also very much satisfied. Pls keep on sending the next series of news letter, we've very keen to read. A.Anandachandran

This 100 days series is very simple but effective and useful information. By applying these in my daily life, my time management skills are improved and clarity in thoughts also improved.

Thank you for your valuable time to make changes in other's life.  Eagerly waiting for your next series.

I would like to share information with you. Today lot of problems are mainly because of lack of control in emotional side. Please think of messaging about emotional intelligence which will help to handle every day situations in home, office, school etc.And in the 100 days series, I have not received day 98,99 & 100.May I request you to forward the three days messages?

Once again thank you for your valuable & meaningful messages.

Thanks & Regards-Mahalakshmi.R


They are much useful for the society. That is a great advantage to the people around you. Good Day. Thanks & Regards Suresh Betha

Chief Executive, Drona Consultancy


I am one of your favourite and regular readers. I also share this daily with all my employees. Really it gives us a pensive state of mind to thing and act daily. A few of my colleague long for this message daily.

We also display a printed copy of your message daily for shop floor personnel who do not have mail access.

Truly it benefits all. We eagerly wait for your newsletters to continue shortly.

Best Regards,

T.  Aloysius Sahayaraj


I am very much impressed by your skilful writing.

I also known the value of time and tried to save my undisputed time

 Vaseem Raja


Thank you very much for your valuable and possible tips for best utilization of time. The content in all the mails are eye openers and made me to have a change in my day to day activities. Thanking you once again for the inspirations to be a successful person in life.

Vinod V Pillai


Thanks a lot for all the good tips you have given in these 100days. One has to very conscious before doing anything & remember the appropriate tips you have provided until one becomes comfortable / habituated with such practices.


Regards B.S Murali


Your emails are very much inspiring always. Some time it force me to have a re-look of our actions, some of the things we may or may not know but we may not notice, When I read your article…I feel "oh! Yes it is correct" most of the time


Thanks for sending emails & request you to continue inspiring as always you do


With best regards, Nitheesh


It was definitely useful.

Things we know, nevertheless a daily dose of reminding helps.

Very do able tips.

Thank You.



As usual, your daily mail newsletters were extremely inspiring and convincing. Thank you very much!

Please continue to share such wonderful thoughts with us in future also.

Thanking once again, with warm regards, Jayadev Jiayaspathi


It is a great and electrifying experience to me. I have disseminated your thoughts and ideas to the management team of my organization and HR paternities as much as possible. I wish you to spread your thoughts all over the world. I have saved the improvement plan in separate folder and will go through it whenever I do introspect my leadership style, attitude and determination and etc.,

Have a good day ahead! Thanks & Regards,N.Kannan


Your news letters are so thought provoking and it so happens that on any particular day the message you share seems very relevant & needed for the day.

Thanks for your sustained efforts to make society efficient & effective. I'm expecting more to come on the subject in coming days.

Best regards-rajesh


The Daily Improvement Plans were very Exciting, Enlightening, Encouraging and Effective. I could get lot of insights for self correction and improvement to progress faster towards my GOALS. Really it has been an amazing experience going through your mails and implementing the principles suggested. Climbing up a big mountain may not be that difficult when we are determined, but the muds and small stones inside the shoes make it more difficult and tiresome. Your e-mails have been very instrumental in clearing all those muds and stones for me and is making my journey towards my GOALS, faster and more enjoyable.

Thanks a lot, Sir. I would like to keep receiving your e-mails for continuous improvement. Request you to include my e-mail ID in your regular mailing list.Looking forward to have more

With best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


Indeed all the daily articles of yours were very nice and informative.

To be honest I did miss reading some of your mails but found every article to be very apt, interesting and informative. In many cases I found them to  be a sort of daily digest / snippet. I sincerely thank you for the untiring efforts of sending us such very thoughtful mails. I am sure your forthcoming news letters would be equally interesting and informative. Kind Regards,Ramana


Thanks for your valuable inputs. Last two sections I followed and I feel better. This mails are daily I am sharing my team member they also very much impressed. Plz keep on send the mail on daily basis. Thanks your valuable services. Thanks,R.Sridhar


Your 100 mails have thrown 100 new ideas.

It is something I look forward to every morning.

I feel enriched. Thank you. Continue to enrich us with your valuable thoughts.

 Regards, Senthil Kannan Dhayanandam


It is very thought provoking... I am trying to follow the key ideas which were mentioned it that IMPROVEMENT PLAN..

Eagerly waiting for the next series..

Thanks & Regards, M.Gayathri.




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