[Time-Management] Mind. O, My Dear Mind!


23rd November 2011

`NLP' – The Principle!

If you bring a computer home and expect the computer to do all the work you want, will it happen? Isn't it obvious that it will not? A computer is just a hardware, just like a bicycle, or an automobile. You should know how to use them for a predetermined output. The cycle will not carry you. You have to pedal the cycle so that it carries you wherever you want to be carried.

So is your brain. It is merely a hardware. You have to install a programme on the computer. Once the computer is loaded with the software, it is ready to work for you. But the most important question is: do you know how to use the computer? Do you know the input language?

So, there are three issues to be understood: the computer process, the input and the output you want from the computer. You should be clear on what you want from the computer and  you should know how to `communicate' with the computer. If you know these two aspects, you can be rest assured that the computer will work for you.

NLP is based on the principle of computer programming.

Interesting? Keep reading!

N C Sridharan



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