[Time-Management] Mind, O, My Dear Mind!


15th November 2011


Keep thinking if there is a meaning behind our actions or they happen accidentally? If we believe in Newton's Law of Motion, we should believe that for every effect there should be a cause and hence we should believe that our behaviours do not just happen, but they are caused. Once we believe that something causes our behaviour to appear, we should also believe that we should  be able to make that behaviour not to happen!

As you are looking forward to my next series of newsletters, I want you to ponder over this question:

`Why do we do what we do and why do we do the way we do it?'

If you read this question couple of times, you will get confused! We will together explore the mysterious ways by which our mind decides every one of our actions!

Curious to know more? Wait…..

N C Sridharan



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