[Time-Management] Mind, O, My Dear Mind!


28th November 2011

As I mentioned, the unique thing about the human beings is the way thinking takes place in their mind and their ability to reflect their thinking through their communication in the form of words.

In the above example of the KG child, the child sees a gap between what she is asked to do and what others are doing. The mind is programmed naturally and is not yet `programmed' otherwise. This is where human mind is configured uniquely. Human beings arrive with a programme already loaded!

The teacher should understand why the child is asking this question and not `how the child can ask such a question' or `can the child ask such a question'. In this case the teacher asked herself a question I had mentioned in my newsletter dated 15th November:  `Why did the child do what she did and why did she do the way she did it?'

The teacher had the option of getting angry with the child. But having had some training in NLP, the teacher explained the fact that students prescribed a dress code, which included a shoe, and the teachers do not have the same, and hence she is not wearing a shoe! Once the child heard this, she was comfortable with the answer.

This is what NLP can do in the context of improving interpersonal relationship and rapport.

I am going to discuss with you why NLP is so powerful in bringing about a shift in our mindset in the next few newsletters.

Keep reading…

N C Sridharan



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