[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


7th August 2012

The man who does things makes many mistakes, but he never makes the biggest mistake of all -- doing nothing.

Ben Franklin

The ability to learn from mistakes is very important. There is an important NLP presupposition `experience has a structure'. This means that our mind is structured by experience. We talk about how strong should be the basic structure of a building. The stronger the structure, the more load a building can take.

In the context of self development trying out something new is very important. It is a human nature to maintain status quo and not taking any risk can be a virtue for someone. You can avoid tension and stress. But, you don't develop with such a mindset.

Start something new. Experiment in an area which you have not attempted. Be ready to fail. Listen to the voice of dissent from those who care for your wellbeing. Invest your time and money on a project for which you are least qualified. Of course you will fail. But never fail to learn from such mistakes!

May be it is good idea to record all the mistakes you did, small and big, and note what you learnt from such mistakes!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] The Gift of Time


`Let us strive to improve ourselves, for we cannot remain stationary; one either progresses or retrogrades'

Madam Du Deffand

`The Gift of Time'


A powerful NLP based Life Transforming programme on how to `invest' your time to realise your life's ambitions and goals.

Convert all your `available time' into `productive' time!

NLP is the latest state of the art technology to integrate the powers of your brain and mind.


Date:Saturday, 18th Aug 2012
Time:8.30 am to 5.30 pm
Venue:Hindustan Chamber of Commerce, 149, Greams Road, Chennai 600 006. 
(Opp to Greams Road Post Office)


  • Tap into the treasures of the Right Side of your brain
  • Explore your `installed capacity'.
  • Break the mental barrier and achieve optimum personal productivity
  • `Invest' your time to maximize your personal productivity
  • Tune up your mindset to achieve `breakthrough issues'
  • Fight laziness and procrastination.
  • Set correct priorities and time schedules

Benefit from the wisdom of world's best NLP trainers.

This programme is for anyone with the zeal to make the impossible to possible.

For details contact: 
thetimefoundation@gmail.com; timeline@vsnl.com www.thetimefoundation.com

Phone: +91 9282159733; +91 9791678022

Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


6th August 2012

Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before you let it fall.
Oliver Wendell Holmes. Jr.

Many times we mistake communication as speaking. They are two different things. A computer can speak and so does a tape recorder! But they cannot communicate. During my career as the head of human resources department, I noticed that the most critical factor which distinguished successful executives from not so successful is their ability to communicate. A good communication can make or break a career.

Watch the media ads and notice how carefully words are being used to communicate the business intent. It will be a good idea to hearse what you want to speak and then speak. In fact, decide if you have to speak at all. In a meeting, your words should be so precious that others wait to hear you.

Avoid using unnecessary words. When one word will convey the meaning, why use two? Check if you are conveying the intent and the content of the message you have in mind.

It may sound funny, but sincerely do this exercise over the next one month. Buy a recording machine and speak for fifteen minutes on any topic and play it back. Listen to every word you spoke and evaluate your effectiveness.

Do this exercise diligently and notice the improvement in your communication ability!

N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


3rd August 2012

Make yourself necessary to somebody. Do not make life hard to any.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

How would you want to be remembered? How would like to be associated? How would you like to be emotionally connected? You have a choice. You can leave sweet and kind memories in the minds of people. Else, you can be associated with anger and irritation.

Years ago when my daughter was in school she wrote two lines, I don't know if it was her own or she had read this somewhere: when you were born only you were crying and others were smiling; when you die, you should be smiling leaving other in tears!  I remember these words on my birthday. We are all mortals and we will not be there one day. We have to decide if we want our absence to be mourned or celebrated!

Every day, before going to bed, ask two questions and honestly answer:

  1. Have I helped someone who cannot reciprocate my help?
  2. Have I harmed anyone bodily or by words?

You need to be a very popular person like Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Teresa to help the society. It is enough if you could be of some help to people very near to you. Consider a day in your life to be a waste if you have not reached out to a needy person with some small help!

N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


2nd August 2012

`Never neglect an opportunity for improvement'

Sir William Jones

Daily mastery is as important as focusing on long term goal. You need to get up every day with a positive thought and self resolve. Early morning is the time when you have to reaffirm your faith in yourself. Self affirmation is an important tool to keep you going in the direction of your goal.  

Type the following words of wisdom which I read somewhere and read it the first thing every day morning:

This is the beginning of a new day.
God has given me this day to use as I will.
I can waste it or use it for good.
What I do today is important, because
I am exchanging a day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes,
this day will be gone forever,
leaving in its place something
that I have traded for it.
I want it to be gain, not loss;
good not evil; success not failure;
in order that I shall not regret
the price I paid for it.
Author Unknown

Try this `mantra' for a week and notice the transformation in the quality of your daily productivity!

N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] The Gift of Your Time!


29th July 2012

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.
William Penn

Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week's value out of a year while another man gets a full year's value out of a week.
Charles Richards

Dear readers,

I have been writing on self development. The first principle of self development starts with how to convert and use our `available' time into `productive' time.

I am glad to announce that my next open programme `The Gift of Time' will be held on Saturday, 18th August 2012 at Hindustan Chamber of Commerce, 149, Greams Road, Chennai 600 006.

In this one day NLP based life transforming seminar you understand that there is no such thing as `no time' and learn how to tap into the Right Side of your brain.

There are 25 seats which will be filled up on `first come first served' basis.

For details please send your queries to:

thetimefoundation@gmail.com or timeline@vsnl.com

N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


1st August 2012

Nothing is easy to the unwilling.

 Nikki Giovanni

Last weekend I was addressing a group of final year MBA students. All of them expect to be in some organisations shortly. I was explaining to them that the life in the educational institution is different from what they are going to experience in an organization. They have to measure up to the expectations of the share holders and customers.

One student raised the issue of changing some of their habits. Almost everyone accepted that it is very difficult to change one's habit, more so when one is addicted to them for a long time. Some even questioned the wisdom of changing habits. Some maintained that they need not change the habits which they liked most – like sleeping till late in the morning, having coffee breaks too often, spending lot of valuable time on blogging and net chatting etc.

I told them they need not change any habit, and repeated any habit. They can choose to stick to their habits, come what may. But their choice ends here. They cannot choose the consequences!

I agreed with them that anything new is difficult and painful. But the key question is: are we willing to give a try? If we are willing to try, the next question is: are we willing to enjoy the pain associated with the change?

N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


31st July 2012

Cicero's Six Mistakes of Man

`Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings so that you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for'


I have been repeatedly saying that one has to invest on himself. We are like a walking organization and we are the Chairman and Managing Director! What will happen if the CMD does not care about the development of the organization? The organization will cease to exist. The same will be the result if we ignore our self development.

I came across the following quotation of Cicero, who was a politician, lawyer, orator and philosopher who lived in the mid 1st Century AD:

1. The delusion that personal gain is made by crushing others.
2. The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or corrected.
3. Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it.
4. Refusing to set aside trivial preferences.
5. Neglecting development and refinement of the mind, and not acquiring the habit of reading and studying.
6. Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.

I was quite impressed with the wisdom behind the above words. What else can we expect from such a great man!

Over next few days, may be you could do a self audit as to where you stand with reference to the above critical traits!

N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


30th July 2012

"But goodness alone is never enough. A hard, cold wisdom is required for goodness to accomplish good. Goodness without wisdom always accomplishes evil." 
 Robert A. Heinlein

I wrote about being a good person and being an effective person.

Last evening I had a meeting of the parents of a school. The grievance of any parent today is that their children are not responsible. Today's parents have much more money than their parents and spend much more on their children. Today's children are lucky to have such loving parents which their parents did not have.

But, the irony is the fact that our parents were much more effective than we are with respect to children. They were not only good, but also effective. They also loved their children, but their children did not take advantage of their love. Our parents were more effective since they had more control. Effectiveness and control are inter-related. Without control you cannot be effective.

Being good is very important. It is a personality trait. You can be a good husband, good teacher, good parent, good businessman, good person, and good student.  But, in order to be effective, you need to have certain skills such as communication, creativity, leadership. team building etc. Sometimes you need to have analytical skills, decision making skills etc.

A good person minus critical skills will be an ineffective person.

N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


26th July 2012

100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!

I was thinking what should be the topic for my next series of newsletter. After reading the feedback and expectations from the readers, I decided the above as the theme for the next newsletter.

In my interaction with students and executives during my various seminars, I find that the critical common denominator for success is self development. As the phrase indicates the responsibility for self development that of self which cannot be delegated! Only human beings can do this!

I do hope that you will find this series useful and interesting!

With love

N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] Thank You!


25th July 2012

Dear readers,

I am excited to receive such rich feedback about my recent series of newsletters. I am thankful for all of you for the nice encouragement.

As far as I am concerned, my daily newsletter gives me the discipline to think and write on a regular basis.

Based on the feedback and expectations from the readers, I am looking at the various topics the readers have suggested.

It will be pleasure to send you my daily newsletters.


N C Sridharan



Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] Thank You!


Thank You!

24th July 2012

Dear readers,

Today I have completed the second 100 days for improvement!  

I tried to be as relevant as possible to choose topics for my daily message.

I will be happy and grateful to receive your feedback on my newsletter.

I am planning something even more interesting for my next series of newsletter. If you want any specific topic to be covered, please let me know.


N C Sridharan




Recent Activity:


[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


24th July 2012

Day 100!

Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality.
Erich Fromm

My good friend Mr. Subramanian sent a list of `Golden Rules for Life' and the one which I liked most was: `If a drop of water falls in lake there is no identity. But if it falls on a leaf of lotus it shines like pearl. So choose the best place where you would shine.

You have to ensure that you are at the right place.

You may have all the talents and skills, but may not be at the right place at the right time. You may be capable of contributing your very best. But what you contribute may not be appreciated by those around you. You may be highly knowledgeable. But your knowledge may not have application where you are at present.

Nothing can be more frustrating than not able to use all your potential.

If you are a writer, a dancer, an actor, a musician, check if your environment can demand the best in you. Ensure you are stretched and taxed. Ensure that you are surrounded by people with very high expectations. Keep your own standards very high. Enjoy the stress and tension that go with this environment. Appreciate and love those who extract your very best. By meeting their expectations, you are not obliging them. But you are chiseling your own masterpiece in their hands!

N C Sridharan




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