[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


7th August 2012

The man who does things makes many mistakes, but he never makes the biggest mistake of all -- doing nothing.

Ben Franklin

The ability to learn from mistakes is very important. There is an important NLP presupposition `experience has a structure'. This means that our mind is structured by experience. We talk about how strong should be the basic structure of a building. The stronger the structure, the more load a building can take.

In the context of self development trying out something new is very important. It is a human nature to maintain status quo and not taking any risk can be a virtue for someone. You can avoid tension and stress. But, you don't develop with such a mindset.

Start something new. Experiment in an area which you have not attempted. Be ready to fail. Listen to the voice of dissent from those who care for your wellbeing. Invest your time and money on a project for which you are least qualified. Of course you will fail. But never fail to learn from such mistakes!

May be it is good idea to record all the mistakes you did, small and big, and note what you learnt from such mistakes!

N C Sridharan



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