[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


20th July 2012

`Communication is depositing a part of yourself in another person'


The unique skill human beings have is their ability to communicate with others. We differ from other beings in this enviable parameter. The very purpose of communication is to establish and maintain good interpersonal rapport.

Effective communication is communicating our intention and not merely the content. Words can communicate the content. But the intention of communication cannot be communicated through mere worlds. We need to have intelligence, tact and empathy to ensure that our intention is correctly understood.

The other day I met a student who was studying in class nine. He complained that his father is rude and does not love him. He concluded this since the father refused to buy him a mobile phone. When I met the father he had a good intention for this. He honestly believed that his son will be unnecessarily disturbed by his friends and in fact there is no need for a mobile phone for his son. The problem is the father only conveyed his decision on the cell phone and not the intention.

It takes time to communicate the intent, but we need just two letters `NO' to communicate the decision and in less than a second to do so!

Today before going to bed check if you have followed this golden rule of communication!

N C Sridharan



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