[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


4th July 2012

`A change in bad habits leads to change in life'

Jenny Craig

Sometime back I wrote about productive thoughts. We should also be conscious if our habits are productive. In organisations the management will identify what are called `NPAs', which stands for `Non Performing Assets'. These are assets which were useful once, but not anymore. These assets add to the cost of the company and bring down the profit. The company will identify and get rid of them.

We all have `NPHs' which stand for `Non Performing Habits'! As we grew up in our life, we got into some habits, some of them helpful and some others not helpful. A habit is a set of behaviour which produces some result. Healthy habits produce healthy results and unhealthy habits produce negative results.

Our behabiours and actions occupy our limited time and if we do not identify and eliminate non performing habits, we will not have time to invest on productive habits. Just like an organization removes nonperforming assets, we should also eliminate habits which drain our time and produce no useful outcomes.

Over this weekend make an inventory of your non performing habits and work out a strategy to eliminate the same.

N C Sridharan



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