[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


23rd July 2012

Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality'

Abraham Lincoln

The easiest thing is to make promises! The most difficult thing is to fulfill the same. How many days you promised your child that you will get a lollipop when you return from the office and forgot?  What about all those promise that you made to your wife that you will quit smoking? And the promises you made to your boss that you will improve your contribution to the company?

Leave alone the empty promises make to others. What about all those promises you make to yourself? Do an exercise over this weekend. Recall to your mind all those New Year resolutions you made during the last three to five years and list them on a piece of paper. Reflect on each of them if they are so difficult and impossible to implement.

Make another list of all those resolutions which you implemented. Against each one of them write down why you implemented and what made you to implement the same. You will notice that your commitment was more in respect of those which you implemented than on those you did not!

Your image depends on your promises to implementation ratio!

N C Sridharan



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