[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


9th July 2012

`Individually we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean'

Ryunosuke Satoro

In my last newsletter I wrote about self development. Equally important is people development. We produce outcomes using various resources such as money, machinery etc. But the most critical of all resources is the manpower resource. As we grow in our career, we will have to take responsibility for the attitude and work of the people who work for us. For doing this we have to develop those who work and share our dream and purpose.

I have been repeatedly saying that we are driven by our values and attitude and without changing these parameters we cannot bring about a permanent change in the behaviours of people. If we attempt to do it, it will amount to manipulation and will not last long.

Well run organisations invest on people development as an ongoing exercise and not as a means to manipulate people when cracks appear in inter personal relationship. A healthy human resources development is a result of continuous training and development. If we don't invest on this important portfolio of people development, we will:

  • Misuse people
  • Underuse people, or
  • Overuse people.

Any resource which is misused, underused or overused will not produce extraordinary result.

Check if you are doing the above.

N C Sridharan



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