[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


3rd August 2012

Make yourself necessary to somebody. Do not make life hard to any.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

How would you want to be remembered? How would like to be associated? How would you like to be emotionally connected? You have a choice. You can leave sweet and kind memories in the minds of people. Else, you can be associated with anger and irritation.

Years ago when my daughter was in school she wrote two lines, I don't know if it was her own or she had read this somewhere: when you were born only you were crying and others were smiling; when you die, you should be smiling leaving other in tears!  I remember these words on my birthday. We are all mortals and we will not be there one day. We have to decide if we want our absence to be mourned or celebrated!

Every day, before going to bed, ask two questions and honestly answer:

  1. Have I helped someone who cannot reciprocate my help?
  2. Have I harmed anyone bodily or by words?

You need to be a very popular person like Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Teresa to help the society. It is enough if you could be of some help to people very near to you. Consider a day in your life to be a waste if you have not reached out to a needy person with some small help!

N C Sridharan



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