[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


10th July 2012

`Knowledge comes by taking things apart: analysis. But wisdom comes by putting things together'.

John A. Morrison

I was a addressing the students of a school. I was giving examples of great business leaders such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Akio Morita, Konosuke Matsushita, Dhirubai Ambani etc. These people had not gone through high education in reputed universities of the world. They did not study in Harvard and Cambridge Universities. They are not gold medalists from reputed universities. Yet they proved that their wisdom is far superior to any others'.

If we dig deep into the life of people who were very successful in their education, you will find people who have failed miserably.

I don't under estimate the importance of education. I only say that wisdom is more important than education. While you get educated in a classroom, you get wisdom  in the world as you work with people. Each person you meet in your life is your teacher. They may not give you a test to find out what you learnt. Yet you are tested.

I asked the students to write down every day what lesson they learnt each day and not to go to bed before they did this.

What I told the students is relevant to all of us.

We have to get educated and wiser everyday!

N C Sridharan



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