[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


1st August 2012

Nothing is easy to the unwilling.

 Nikki Giovanni

Last weekend I was addressing a group of final year MBA students. All of them expect to be in some organisations shortly. I was explaining to them that the life in the educational institution is different from what they are going to experience in an organization. They have to measure up to the expectations of the share holders and customers.

One student raised the issue of changing some of their habits. Almost everyone accepted that it is very difficult to change one's habit, more so when one is addicted to them for a long time. Some even questioned the wisdom of changing habits. Some maintained that they need not change the habits which they liked most – like sleeping till late in the morning, having coffee breaks too often, spending lot of valuable time on blogging and net chatting etc.

I told them they need not change any habit, and repeated any habit. They can choose to stick to their habits, come what may. But their choice ends here. They cannot choose the consequences!

I agreed with them that anything new is difficult and painful. But the key question is: are we willing to give a try? If we are willing to try, the next question is: are we willing to enjoy the pain associated with the change?

N C Sridharan



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