[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


3 rd November,2009

Not necessarily one at a time…


" The essential achievement of free will is to attend to a difficult object and hold it fast before the mind"

-         William James, 19th Century psychologist



The most interesting thing about the mind and the brain is that they can cooperate with each other and one will complement the work of the other. Once we understand the link between these two important systems in us, it is very easy to tap our resources to the full. Not very long ago there were people who stunned the spectators by doing hundred things at the same time. They were called sadhavadhanis.  `Sadham' means hundred and `avadhani' means a person. These people developed a rare skill of simultaneously doing a hundred things and concentrating on all of them to a very high  level of accuracy.  Even to day there are dhasavadhanis who demonstrate their abilities to concentrate on ten different things at the same time.


This task is difficult, but possible. We need to understand that anything can be accomplished if broken up into small enough tasks. All you have to do is to train your mind and brain to do this by allocating a specific time for this exercise. Just like going to a gym  and doing work outs, this is also a mental gym. Try this exercise:


Sit in front of a TV and place small clock on top of the TV and start concentrating on the movement of the second hand for a full two seconds. Then start the TV and shift half your attention to the TV programme while keeping the other half  on the movement of the second hand of the clock. Do it for a few days and you would have picked up the skill of concentrating on two things at the same time.


Next, while you are doing the above, start reciting a poem in your mind such as `Mary Had a Little Lamb' and try doing these three activities at the same time. Do this for a few days.


Next add one more activity such as mental arithmetic into the set.  


You will realize that learning to do different things at the same time is not `impossible', but, `difficult yet possible'.


One word of caution: progress in stages and don't stretch yourself beyond your limits so that you don't fail and lose your self-confidence.


N C Sridharan



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