[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


4th November, 2009


The power of the unconscious mind…


Man's greatness lies in his power of thought.


Blaise Pascal


Whenever we see an object, we see it consciously. We recognize its physical presence there. When we are not in our conscious awareness, we miss to see the object. I am sure you would have experienced searching for your key bunch all over your table without success while it was very much there! The reason is that the mind should pay attention to the object we want to see. When we pay attention, we can recognize our child in a crowd of hundred children.


But there is limit to our conscious mind paying attention. Our eyes cannot see every object that is placed in front of them. You can do a small exercise. Keep your index finger in front of you and move it from left to right and right to left. Now do it a little faster. Increase the speed of movement even faster. You will notice that at a point of time, your eyes cannot follow the finger so clearly. This is because our eyes have a limitation. If you have played cricket, you will understand that your ability to hit the ball accurately will depend on how clearly you can see the ball from the time it leaves the bowler's hand to the time hits the pitch in front of you.


If you want to play cricket based on your ability to see the ball, you will be bowled several times. You know that some fast bowlers bowl at a speed exceeding 100 miles per hour. At such a speed a cricket ball will always outrun the speed of our conscious thoughts. This is because, in order that you `see' the ball, it takes a tenth of a second for the image to reach the brain from your eyes. So you cannot consciously see the ball every time you want to hit the same.


Then, how does an expert batsman meet the ball with his bat?  It is done by the unconscious mind! The batsman's unconscious mind guides him to place the bat where the ball is traveling. The mind acts as a very powerful and sensitive computer. Striking the speeding cricket ball is just one of the many tasks your unconscious mind can do for you.


In order to make use of our potential to the full, we need to tap not only our conscious mind, but also our unconscious mind….


Read further.


N C Sridharan



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