[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


13th November 2009

Imagination and Knowledge

Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

If we consider the quality of our life, it is a result of two factors- imagination and knowledge. Knowledge is the result of storage of bits of intelligence on the various things that are happening around us. It is the knowledge of universe which makes us to understand where we are and we are being governed by the various factors. It is the knowledge of our physiology which makes us  do what we are doing. The knowledge of physics and elements around us decides what we have to do in order to succeed. The knowledge of medicine helps  us  survive after an ailment or disease.

Imagination is a skill and it is a survival tool. It is through imagination that we look out for challenges and exploit the emerging opportunities around us. It is this faculty which is very peculiar and unique to the human race. We imagine as to what we will do if an earth quake strikes us. It is through imagination that we identify threats and arrive at counter measures to deal with the same. Without imagination our continued survival will become doubtful. Imagination triggers a thought process in our mind and we start looking at alternatives and choices.

Imagination is a result of our Right Brain thinking. Once we imagine about a certain thing, then our thought process is directed to finding ways and means to taking appropriate steps to give a shape to our imagination. This is a Left Brain thinking process. We need to use both these faculties. One will supplement the other and one without the other is futile.

Tonight, try doing a small exercise. Imagine what would happen if your present skill became obsolete and consequently if you are not required by the organization you work for. Let a picture evolve in your mind. Once you are fully involved in this process, then seek the knowledge of how you are going to cope with the same.

You will find the exercise very useful.

N C Sridharan



