[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


18th November 2009

Bench Mark Others!

I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts.

John D Rockefeller

We have to succeed. We alone can succeed, but we cannot succeed alone! We need the help of others to reach our goals in life. Success is a collaborative endeavor between us and the others. Without the cooperation and involvement of others, we cannot succeed, or our success will be limited.

When we seek and use the help of others, we need to know who can help us, how they can and in what way. Every one has strengths and weaknesses and we should be looking at the strengths of people and not their weakness. Choosing the right people for a task is like choosing the right tool for a job. If the tool is wrongly chosen, then the quality of the job will suffer.

I know a person who is heading a social service outfit where there are about 2000 members. He maintains a list of various persons he knows in a small diary where he mentions where the person is working such as telephone department, electricity board, highways department, railways etc. He also mentions in the list as to who is good in what. For example, `X' is good in organizing a good picnic, `Y' is good in organizing a good event, etc. Whenever he has to do something, he  opens the list and choose the right person for the right job. He maintains and updates this list very meticulously. He says that this strategy has helped him to discharge his role very effectively.

Why don't you also make such a list and see if you can use the same!

N C Sridharan



