[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


23rd November 2009

Improve the `Technology' of Your Thinking

I was a freethinker before I knew how to think.

George Bernard Shaw

The dictionary meaning of the word `technology' is `the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes'. If you think for a minute, you will realize that application of technology has changed the quality of our life drastically. We have applied technology in various fields of our life. We don't do the same work the way did several years ago. We don't write the way we wrote fifty years ago. The technology of the automobile has changed. The technology of photography has changed. The technology of computers has changed.

The result of the application of technology in all these areas is that we are able to produce products and services of a different quality with less effort. If only we had not done this, we will not be able cope  with the demands of the present day  which is highly challenging.

This principle applies to our thinking process also. With life becoming more and more complicated, we have to apply technology to our thinking process. We can call it as thinking technology. There are a lot of tools which will change the way we think. Edward d Bono's lateral thinking is an example. The advocates of Total Quality Management (TQM) use 7 QC tools which are nothing but thinking tools. We are all familiar with the tool of brain storming. Many of us apply these tools to solve work related problems only. We have to realize that thinking is a survival skill and applying technology to our thinking process will change the quality of our life.

So, don't just think…. Improve the technology of your thinking and notice the difference!

N C Sridharan



