[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


20th November 2009

The Portfolio of `Thinking'

You've got to think about big things while you're doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction- Alvin Toffler

We use the word `thinking' very often and we also know the meaning of the word. But the question is, do we set aside a specific time for thinking? Do we give the same importance to the portfolio of thinking as we give to the portfolio of doing? From  morning to night, are we conscious about the various thought processes that take place in our mind?

The answer to most of the above questions will be a big `no' with reference to many of us. Many of us are more keen to indulge in doing some activity than in thinking. We find this strategy easier and simpler. The reason for this is, for most of us, thinking is not working. However, the strategy of successful people is that they spend an equal amount of time for thinking as they allot to doing some activity.

There is one more aspect to the portfolio of thinking, which is the quality of thinking. It is not then the amount of time we spend on thinking, but how focused is our process of thinking.

From this week do this exercise. Set aside a specific time either in the morning or in the evening. Let it be about forty five minutes to start with. Seek a place which is silent and peaceful. Keep the telephone off the hook. Switch off the mobile phone. Keep the eyes closed and THINK! Resist the temptation to stop this process and proceed to doing some thinking. It is thinking time and not doing time. Just like you devote time for doing various other activities such as bathing, eating, sleeping etc., make it a practice to allot a specific time for the portfolio of thinking.

Try this for a month and notice the difference!

N C Sridharan



