[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


It is up to you to keep fit.

30th November 2009

Give me a lever long enough and a prop strong enough. I can single-handedly move the world.

Some of us stop working for the fear that it may affect our health. We are worried that we may break down or perhaps may even suffer a heart attack. Those who are interested in us warn us that we should not work hard. It is very likely that we are right and others are also right that we must take care of our health.

But the reality of life is that working is essential and extraordinary tasks call for extraordinary efforts. As long as our aspirations are modest and we are willing to be satisfied with small achievements, it is perfectly alright. But once we have fixed our goal which is huge and large, then we have to stretch ourselves. There is no escape from this. We cannot have huge aspirations and at the same time be not willing to stretch ourselves. This stretching may be physical or mental. We may have to stretch our faculties and effort level. When we do not accept this reality, we  get into tension, and this  breaks our health.

Hence, in the ultimate analysis, it is not the effort level or our physical strain, but our inability to tune up our body, mind and intellect which breaks us. It is lack of efforts to keep us fit enough which causes ailments and physical exhaustion, and not the number of hours of work.

So, the remedy? Workouts! Spend some time to sharpen your faculties, your physical fitness and mental ability. Just like a cricketer or a foot ball player spends time not only playing their game, but also  keeping  fit, you should also spend time to meet the challenges of your work load.

It may be difficult to implement. But you have to. The consequence of ignoring this common sense could be very serious.

N C Sridharan



