[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


9th November 2009


`Speeding up by slowing down'!

Beware the fury of a patient man.

- John Dryden

 The above may appear to be confusing. How can you speed up by slowing down? But if you think calmly, sometimes we speed up so much that we waste a lot of time in undoing many things that we have done. Sometimes  we act in haste  without giving the job adequate attention, and at times  we react emotionally and impulsively and later on regret.


There are occasions when we want things to happen so fast  that we  become restless. We assume that we will get all the cooperation we need. We are very optimistic and under estimate the difficulty involved. In our anxiety to swing into action, we commit mistakes. Sometimes, we also do not give ourselves enough time to complete the task on hand. In this context, we are likely to commit mistakes. It may take much more time to rectify the mistake. Haste makes waste.


On such occasions, slow down. By slowing down, you are giving yourself enough time to plan the work. You give yourself enough time to evaluate the probability of failure. You give yourself an opportunity to be realistic. You need to relax. You need not become so restless. You don't have to do everything today. You don't have to become a compulsive time watcher.


To day before going to bed, ponder over the above topic and consider if you have been unduly in haste on some project that you are handling at present. If so, speed it up by slowing down!


N C Sridharan



