[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


25th November 2009

Make every day a learning day!

To find yourself, think for yourself.


We belong to the human race and we alone have the skill of improving our life by learning something new. We alone can enrich our experience and improve our intellect. We alone have the power to think and understand the significance of what is happening around us. We can interpret the meaning of what is happening around us. This is the essence of human intelligence and it is this feature which distinguishes the human beings from other living and non living entities.

We have to make use of this skill on a day to day basis. We have to learn something new every day. We have to ponder over  what happened during the  day and assimilate  one new learning point. We may be aware of what is happening to us on a daily basis, but we may not pause to process and make a learning from the same. We may notice something happening. This does not mean that we have learnt something from the same. We may make a mistake or take a wrong decision. We may have trusted someone and  get disappointed. Or someone may have shouted at us for no reason. It could be that we were compelled to purchase something which we may not really need.

These are some of the common every day experiences,  we have to learn something from. Sometimes we have to learn from what is happening to someone else.

One way to do this,  is to have a small note book and write down not more than five lines on the learning. We should do it as the last thing in the day. We have to write our learning in the same note book and not on bits and pieces of paper. We can call this note book as `My Learning Diary'. At the end if the week, we should revisit the notes for a summary.

Try this out and see the difference.

N C Sridharan



