[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


5th  November2009


"Life is a field of unlimited possibilities."

-- Deepak Chopra


It all starts in the mind….


Our mind is always occupied with various thoughts and ideas. We cannot empty our mind. One in a million people can empty all the content of the mind and take it to `zero' level. It calls for an enormous amount of mind control and meditation. However, all of us can make use of the ideas and thoughts that pop up in our mind. Knowingly or unknowingly, many thoughts and ideas come to our mind. But they are squelched. `Squelching' is what happens when a water bubble bursts with a small sound. Once the water bubble squelches, the beautiful bubble is gone leaving no sign of it. Similarly, some beautiful ideas just disappear leaving no trace.


But people who have achieved great things in life had a knack of tapping the full potential of their mind. Einstein, it is said, would ponder as to what it would be like sitting on the top of a light beam. He would also ponder of  in such a situation  he would be able to see his own face! For a normal person such a thinking process would seem absurd or foolish. But if Einstein had not thought in this way, we would not have seen the Theory of Relativity!


Geniuses stumble upon an idea, and work on the same. But we stumble upon such ideas and dismiss the same as useless. The geniuses develop this skill at a fairly young age. In fact they may not even be aware of this.


May be our education system also contributes to this situation by not allowing the students to think originally. They are encouraged to memorize and reproduce what they memorized without challenging any thing.


Perhaps, we should challenge some of the known facts like what Galileo did by questioning why the earth should be flat or like Graham Bell who asked why is not possible to speak through wires.



So challenge and question and liberate your mind from the slavery of block thinking!


N C Sridharan



