[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


6th November, 2009


Use it or lose it….

To find yourself, think for yourself.



The mind can influence the functioning of the brain. This is what the experts say. The more the mind is usefully engaged and challenged, the more will be the brain activity. Experts who studied the brain content of geniuses   like Einstein say that in their brain there were more neuron connections and the density of the neurons  much more than in the brain of other people.


We have also heard the old adage `an idle man's mind is a devil's work shop'. We need to keep our mind active by giving it enough work. We can do many things to keep the mind filled with useful and challenging activities. This is what Einstein did. This is what Edison did. This is the strategy of geniuses.


One thing we can do is `free writing'. Free writing is just writing whatever  comes to your mind. Take a piece of paper and pen and go on writing whatever you want to write. Don't bother about the content or the quality. Just write. Do this regularly at a specified point of time every day. Have an appointment with yourself for writing. Look at the grass in front of you and write about the grass. Describe the colour and the texture. See how the end of the grass meets the horizon.   What does the grass remind you about? Write whatever comes to your mind. Describe the feelings that come to your mind and the memories it brings. Write down what does the grass represents in your life.


In this way, look at anything and everything that you see and write. This is a good exercise for your mind. Even today experts are analyzing thousands of pages that Edison and Einstein wrote whenever they had nothing else to do. It is the finding of the experts that their free writing had an influence on their success.


Try this and see the difference, not now, but at a later point of time.


N C Sridharan



