[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


26th November 2009

Sense of Importance and sense of Urgency

All successful people have a goal.  No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do.-Norman Vincent .Peale

We know what we want and we are clear about it. We want to initiate a course of action. We know what it will do for us. However, we don't get to do it. There is a gap between what we plan and what we do. The implementation takes much longer time. The reason for this is the link   between `importance' and `urgency'. There is no confusion in our mind on the meaning of these two terms. We know that importance is to do with the priorities in life and urgency is to do with time.  But as long as these factors are not linked effectively in our mind, there will be a lag in our action plan.

First we think of performing some action. But we get to do carry out the action only when the desire to do the same becomes an irresistible and intense obsession. When we reach this state of mind, we become restless and we cannot do any other activity. Until we get to this state of mind, we  say that we don't have the time or the resources to do it. We have any number of excuses for not doing the same. Before we reach this state of mind, we are busy doing something else.

In order that we get this sense of urgency for the priority that we fix, we should take the project into our deep subconscious mind. For doing this we should engage our thought process towards the project. One way to do it is keep asking the question: why is this project important for me and what will it do for me? We need to list as many benefits as we can think of which will accrue to us by completing the project. We need to set aside a specific time and place to for this purpose. During this time, we are not going to plan the activities, but we are only going to list the compelling reasons for the project.

Try this strategy and feel the difference in your intensity level.

N C Sridharan


