[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


27th November 2009

Add a VIP to your list every day!

Do what you can, where you are, with what you have.
--Robert Schuller

We need to know people and seek their help and cooperation to achieve what we want to achieve in our life. Success is a team effort and we cannot succeed alone. We have to know who are the people who have the resources to help us. The word `important' means `having great effect or value'. So, an `important' person is one who can add value to our life. We need to have as many such people as possible so that `our team' wins.

Just like a marketing person wants to know who can help him  sell his product in the market, you need to search for people who can help you reach your goals in life. You may not know all of them. It is your responsibility to know them. I can give another example. A good craftsman will look for such tools which will help his work. If he comes to know that there is such a tool available, he will take efforts to acquire the same. We should understand that people are also `tools' and we need proper tools to do what we want to do. The dictionary meaning of the word `tool' is `a device or implement used for a particular task' and `a person used by another'.

Once we understand this simple principle, it is easy to implement the idea presented in this page. We may not be able to know all the people at the  time we want them. We need to work on this important portfolio on a daily basis. So every day add a person to your list and try to know them. Send a card, telephone them that you want to meet them and meet them. You may not get an immediate interview. But you can make some progress over a period of time.

Try this idea and see the difference in your contact level in one year!

N C Sridharan


