[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


5th November 2010

"When every physical and mental resource is focused, one's power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously."

Norman Vincent Peale

We've to learn from the nature. Anything which is focussed is powerful and anything that is not focussed loses its power. Take the example of a hurricane or a tornado. When the hurricane or the tornado moves in a particular direction, it becomes destructive. The same applies to the compressed air. When the air is compressed in a closed chamber and allowed to come out through an orifice, it can move a turbine and produce electricity. Take the example of electricity itself. When the current is made to pass through a filament it glows and produces light. Take a torch light or a laser beam. When it focuses, darkness disappears. Take the example of a sun rays focussed through a lens and allowed to fall on cotton. The cotton burns. Or take the example of air and petrol vapour fired inside a carburettor. It can keep a heavy aircraft in the mid sky.

So is our mind. A focussed mind is a powerful mind. A diffused mind is very weak and cannot produce any result. Any focused resource can produce amazing results. Mind is a very powerful resource. The mind power has infinite hidden power and can produce astounding results, if properly focussed.

Problem is there everywhere. The worst problem in the hands of a focussed person becomes the best opportunity. A simple problem in the hands of a confused person becomes a worst problem. The difficulty is not in the problem, but in the mind of the person.

Think: are you focussed?

Take a problem which you have been avoiding to tackle due to fear of failure. Concentrate all your efforts for not more than thirty minutes a day for the next fifteen days and notice what happens to the problem!

N C Sridharan



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