[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


4th November 2010

Ignited Child!

In order that our children perform at their optimum potential, they have to be focussed and work hard. It is simple common sense. But when it comes to implementing, many parents complain that their children are not working hard, their concentration is dissipated, they spend their time on trivial things etc. As I have been repeatedly writing, our children have all the resources already with them; they are very intelligent and sharp. What is required is a set of behavioural pattern.

The question in the minds of many parents is: how do I enforce discipline in my child.

The answer is simple. Disciple is an end result and it is not a process. When you do certain things, your child becomes a disciplined child. Parents should have a `discipline drill' everyday as a part of daily activity. Adhering to time discipline has to be initiated and controlled by the parents and not left to the discretion of the children. You don't expect a child to be so responsible and say that he wants to do everything in time. The parents should decide that the child should get up at 6 am; get ready for the 8 am breakfast; get ready to the school at 8 45 am; wind up play at 6 pm; do the home work between 6 30 and 7 30 pm; have dinner at 8 pm; prepare for the next day's class from 8 30 pm to 9 00 pm; sleep at 9 30 am etc.

There should be no ambiguity on this. This is the obedience drill I'm talking about.

If the readers do not mistake me, I would like to give an example just to explain what an obedience drill is in a different context. The other day I was watching a police dog in action and I was amazed at the discipline the dog was displaying. I asked the police personnel how this becomes possible. He replied that at every day the dog is given an obedience drill for two hours in the morning, afternoon and evening! He said that if for one week if the drill is not given for some reasons such as sickness, the dog will not obey!

This principle applies to the human beings also. If you know a leading sports or music personality, ask them about their daily routine and they will tell you about their obedience drill imposed by their coach.

Please understand that nothing will come out from nothing!

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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