[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


3rd November 2010

Ignited Child!

The most important skill a parent should have is the ability to raise children based on certain values and principles of good living. I'm sure you will agree that the present environment outside is not conducive to make children value based. There are two ways in which children `learn' how to live – from what they hear and what they see. I hope you noticed that I have used the word `learn', for learning is different from education. Education is basically a portfolio of teachers and educational institutions. On the other hand learning takes place outside the scope of schools and classroom.

If you think for a while you will understand that out of the twenty four hours, children sleep for about 10 hours leaving a balance of fourteen hours. In this fourteen hours, the children are away to school for about seven hours which leaves a balance of just three hours when they are in the custody of the parents. In this three hours, all the others activities should take place such as eating, getting ready to school, doing the home work etc! Isn't it surprising to know what little time the parents have to groom their children?

Hence the parents have just one eighth time to influence their children making them to listen and see what they should and for the balance seven eighth of the time they are exposed to hear and see what the outside world has to offer. If what they hear and see is going to add value to their life, they are lucky. But can we be sure of this?

Getting worried? Read further...

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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