[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


30th November, 2010

`To conquer, one must first yield'

Winning and conquering is an art and we should do it tactfully and not forcefully. Force and aggression my yield a temporary victory and excitement but will cause and tension. We may win, but the price of such winning could be very dear.

We should learn from bamboo. When you see a bamboo seedling, you will notice it is very thin and fragile and you will not believe that it is going to grow into a very strong bamboo tress. But if you observe the process of its growing, you will notice that it yields to the wind and storm and hence it grew. It grew against all the natural forces which were against it. The same applies to any tree. Next time you see a large banyan tree, just visualise how many storms it would have withstood?

The best navigator of any ship is one who can navigate against wind and storm. He will know when to go with the wind and when to go against the wind, at the same time not losing sight of the shore. Also see a snake charmer and you will notice that he does not use force while handling a snake!

Violence may thrill, but will kill human relations!

N C Sridharan



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