[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


25th November 2010

The achievement of one goal should be the starting point of another.

~ Alexander Graham Bell Quotes

Has the best television set assembled? Have we made the best automobile? Have we made the best computer? Have we invented the most effective medicine to cure the most difficult disease? In management people talk about continuous improvement as a tool for growth in order to remain in business. In fact it applies to everyone.

The other day I was listening to Robin Sharma. He was saying that success breeds failure! Sounds interesting? But it is true for ordinary people who consider success as the destination. For the extraordinary people, one success is the beginning of another task. They are not satisfied with what they have achieved. They are focussed on what's not yet been achieved. Anyone who does not understand this simple principle will soon become complacent and the success will into his head.

It is said that Olympic Gold Medallists go through a syndrome called POD, meaning `Post Olympic Depression'. The Olympic gold medal winner gets so focussed and works very hard and wins a gold medal. The winning takes place in a matter of few seconds, for which he would have worked for years all day long. After he achieves his victory, the question is `what next' and for a normal person there is nothing beyond an Olympic Gold Medal. This situation leads to a state of mind called Post Olympic Depression' syndrome. They overcome this by fixing their next goal even more than what they have achieved.

We need to keep moving from one success to another and believe that success is not a destination but a journey. The quest for improving our own performance is very essential to keep our excitement glowing!

N C Sridharan



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