[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


17th November 2010

 `If you are rich, you speak the truth; if you are poor, your words are but lies'

Chinese Proverb

I have been addressing a group of school children three hours every week on personality development for the past two years and I am excited to notice a shift in their mindset and thinking process. I have started to believe that efforts to build good personality are even more critical than the efforts to learn the lessons of pure science and arts. The best education we can give to children is the education to build a good personality.

In executive coaching seminar I come across a wide cross section people and I have been seeing one common denominator among all successful executives: they have a good personality. I spend a lot of time with them on how to build a rich image. Image is both internal and external. Internal image gives you self confidence and a sense of self worth. External image gives you set of people who with rapport.

One of the habits I encourage the children to develop is the habit of always telling the truth, no matter what the consequences are. I consider telling the truth is a virtue which gives you a lot of riches. Consider the following riches:

·         A rich mindset of good values

·         A rich circle of friends who trust you since you are honest

·         A rich reputation of honesty

·         A rich self worth and positive self image

·         A rich set of conduct and behaviour founded on truth and openness.

I feel that one has to honestly evaluate his honesty quotient at least once in a month so that he keeps a tab on how his image grows or erodes!

N C Sridharan



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