[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


12th November 2010

`You are the only problem you will ever have and you are the only solution'

Bob Proctor

All of us have problems. We look for solutions outside us. We have to understand that the problem is inside us and the solution is also in us! The first step to solve any problem is owning the responsibility for the origin of the problem as well as for solving the problem. This principle may appear to be a bit strange, but it is true.

Take the problem of drinking or smoking. How did we get into the problem? Can we say that someone forced us into it? Could we not have resisted the same? Having got into the problem, isn't it our responsibility to get out of the problem? The question is what are we doing to do to come out of the problem? Are we going to continuously blame others for our problem?

Take another example. Lets us say that we do not have enough money. Are we not in any way responsible for it?

We need to change our internal processing of our and solution. We have to change our thinking process from blaming to taking personal responsibility. Read the following problems statement and how you can take control of the same:

·         I am lazy: What I am going to do to overcome the same?

·         I procrastinate: What is my action plan to beat my procrastination habit?

·         I don't have reliable friends: How I am going to rebuild healthy relationship?

·         My business is failing: How I am I going make my business profitable?

If you adopt the above thinking process, the problem may not disappear immediately. But you will be definitely in a better frame of mind to deal with your problems.

In fact you should thank your problems since they make you even more stronger builds a good personality!

N C Sridharan



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