[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


18th November 2010

`Suspicion is a mental picture seen through an imaginary keyhole'


`To be suspicious is not a fault. To be suspicious all the time without coming to conclusion is the defect'


We are all human beings. Human beings have feelings and emotions. Suspicion is a state mind just as confidence, clarity, fear, confusion etc are state of mind. We have our five senses of eyes, ears, mouth, nose and the skin through which we take in information to our mind. In the mind the information is processed based on the data bank already stored in there. Of these five senses, the eyes and the ears are the most important source of information flow. When we see or hear something, our feelings are kindled resulting in a state of mind.

Suspicion is one such.

The question is: can we suspect someone? According to me, the option is not with us! Once an information reaches our mind, the mind takes over automatically. If the quality of our data bank in our mind is good, we will get into an impartial evaluation whether our suspicion is just and fair or not. What is required a mental maturity to get into an impartial evaluation of the issue causing suspicion.

It is human to become suspicious. But we have to be humane to process the information impartially and come to a conclusion. Suspicion is like a cancer cell. If you don't treat it at an early stage, it could become fatal to human relationship!

Why not do a small exercise? During the last one week, did you suspect someone? If so how strong or sensitive is the issue and how important is the person to you? How did you process the issue which caused the suspicion? Did you come to any conclusion? If your suspicion was wrong, did you convey the reason for your suspicion to the person concerned and re-establish your rapport once again?

N C Sridharan



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