[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


2nd November 2010

Ignited Child!

Over the last two decades lot of changes have taken place in the life around us. We don't make an automobile the way we made ten years ago. We don't make a television the way made ten years ago. For that matter we don't cook the way we cooked ten years ago. Can you cross the road the way you crossed ten years ago?

Similarly we cannot raise our children the way we were raised by our parents. One important thing that has taken place over the years is the fact that the present day children are much more sharp and intelligent than we were at their age. They have a lot more to read and assimilate then we had. They have much more opportunities and excitement to see in their life. At the same time they also have much more threats and challenges to face. In fact our children are growing up in a less secure environment.

In this context, they have to be prepared even more carefully in terms of their knowledge, skill, capabilities and talents. They need some basic survival skills than we had at their age. Hence they need to be helped much more than we were helped by our parents.

This situation has forced the need for a new breed of `knowledge parents'. They parents should know much more on the fine art of parenting. In fact parenting has become a kind of technology! Just like you cannot make the modern automobile with the old technology, you cannot raise your children in the modern environment with the old parenting methods. For example if you try to discipline your child the way you were disciplined by your parents, it will not work out. If you communicate with your child the way your parents communicated with you, it will not work out.

In the next few articles we are going to discuss some of the specific skills you have to have to prepare your children to face the challenges in their life.

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N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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