[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


23rd November 2010

Focus on being productive instead of busy.

~ Timothy Ferriss

There is a big difference between being busy and being productive. Being busy means doing some work and active. But being productive means producing some tangible result. We get excited when we become very busy and we may even boast that we have no time. But we should understand that all of us get the same amount of time every day irrespective of our social status. But all of us do not produce the same result.

In my time management seminar I give the example of driving a wonderful car on a well laid out smooth road. You may be an excellent driver and you may even enjoy your driving. You may have an unlimited supply of fuel and the car may be the most modern and highly technical car. But what if you don't know where you are going? Or what is the use if you don't arrive at the destination at the right time? What is the use of climbing a mountain and arriving at the cliff only to know that you have climbed the wrong mountain?

In my executive coaching seminar I come across people who suffer the mid career burn out syndrome. They have everything in life, money, material, good family etc. But they are not happy about the result they have produced.

May be it is worth stopping whatever you are doing one day every month and ask the question: where am I now and where I want to be? What is that I am producing out of my time? What is my knowledge and skill and is there anything more productive I can do in my time?

May be you can do absolutely nothing for a day, speak to no one, retire to some place and insulate and isolate yourself. Keep asking the above questions and try to find an answer!

N C Sridharan



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