[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


15th November 2010

"Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start."

-- Nido Qubein

As we work our way through our life, we will come across a time when we will feel that we've achieved something and we haven't something else. We may be very proud of some achievements and may be depressed on some other issues. If we stay on this mindset for too long, there are two possibilities: one, we will become complacent and we will become disinterested in life due to failure. These two possibilities will coexist at the same time.

If we continue in this mindset, we will become stuck and we will become immobilised. We have to come out of this as early as possible. In order to overcome this state, we have to believe that we are just at the starting point. Just imagine the mindset of an athlete at the start point and at the finish line. At the start point, his mind will be totally focussed on what he should do and how well he should do it. He will be mustering all his energy and his only aim is to win the race. At the finish line, if he has won, he will become easy, and if he has lost, he may become disappointed.

This example is very relevant to our everyday life. Instead of taking our life as a long marathon, we have to take it as short sprints. We have to have a mindset that we are in the start of the race and consider the exciting possibilities and opportunities.

Today, before going to bed ask the following questions and try to ponder over the answers:

·         Where am I now in my personal and professional life and what are my goals?

·         If this is the beginning of my goal and ambition, where do I want to go in the next five years?

·         If I have to achieve what I want to achieve in the next five years, what are the most critical three things I should do tomorrow morning?

Go to bed with this mindset and notice your energy level as you get up the next day!

N C Sridharan



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