[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


10th November 2010

 "There are more self-marred people in the world than there are self-made."

 Arnold H. Glasow

We feel we are being prepared for the world. But the reality is we are making our own life. Either we are helping ourselves to grow or we are destroying ourselves. The irony is, while we may be conscious when we are developing ourselves, we are not even aware when we are harming ourselves.

Sheer statistics will show that there are more number of people who have marred themselves than the number of people who have developed themselves. While development is a self made conscious decision, destruction is an unconscious irresponsible choice, for no one wants to be destroyed.

There can be one reason for the self destruction: ignorant of the consequences and lack willpower and personal vision. Those who achieved exciting results are those who had a compelling vision of their future. In fact they dreamed and imagined as though they had already achieved what wanted to achieve and this mental picture gave them the necessary energy to sustain their efforts.

On the other hand, those who destroy themselves have not pondered over the consequences of their actions or inactions and they blissfully enjoy what their life style. They do not mentally visualise what their life will be like if they continue to do their activities. Ability to visualise the future is a rare gift which perhaps only the human beings can claim to have.

Perhaps many of us do not even stop whatever we have been doing and project the implications of the same on our life. If we do this self audit, we will be able to do a `gap assessment' of what we are doing and what we should be doing.

Perhaps you can ponder over this issue during this weekend.

N C Sridharan



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